Meet the Thern Team – Chris Reilly

Thern is happy to introduce Chris Reilly! Chris is the Product Manager and has been with the company for almost a year. Since he was hired, Chris has already made big improvements to the company. From his team to the product line, Chris is essential to the growth of Thern.

Chris knew he wanted to work at Thern after his first interview. He says that “everyone was happy, which isn’t something you see in every work place. I sensed it as a good fit for me. I value getting the job done and this is exactly what we do here at Thern.”

Chris mostly worked at larger-sized companies, where the departments worked separately with not much crossover.  At Thern, Chris appreciates that the departments are in constant conversation as it is much easier to solve a problem. He enjoys how there are always two or three people at Thern that know the answer or are willing to lend a helping hand.

Overall, Chris is proud of the top-quality products Thern produces and, his top-quality coworkers. He supports his team as much as they support him. Consistently working in collaboration, he relies on his fellow employees to set and reach company goals. He is most excited to see the company continue to grow, “Thern has been a small company, but we are well on our way to grow and become bigger than before.”

Tedd Morgan, President and CEO of Thern says that Chris “is energetic and positive, and always looking for ways to make things better. For example, one improvement Chris has made are to Thern’s product launches.” Tedd explains that Chris has expanded the launches to include the whole company. “Chris has set up training sessions to train internal staff on a new product. Introductions of products are now an inclusive learning experience, and all of our employees get excited about it.”

In the past, Chris served on a US Navy Submarine in the Atlantic Ocean. He once spent a Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year under the water. Thern thanks him for his service.

Chris is a great benefit to the company. His willingness to work hard and dream big are traits that Thern recognizes. We look forward to Chris contributing towards the overall success of the company for years to come!