Equipcorp-United Machine Tool
Thern Exceeds Expectations
As a leader in industrial rentals with a strong focus on hoisting and winching, it is vital that Equipment Corps have access to quality equipment like that supplied by Thern. Since our initial order of the small construction winch, to our latest addition of the full line of Thern Air Tuggers, your company has exceeded our expectations with quality, reliable and expertly engineered equipment that we are proud to offer throughout Canada.
Your continued commitment in providing creative purchasing solutions has ensured that Thern will be a major component of our fleet offering for years to come. We would personally like to thank your for all your efforts on our behalf and especially Justin McProud for sorting through our many requests and always getting it right. In addition I must also commend Doug Coughlin at Raebrooke company with providing expert sales and marketing support, and providing many leads that have resulted in sales.
Our continued partnership can only mean great success, I thank you again.
Kindest Regards,
Tim Bedard
Dave Kisel
Sales Director
Mike Orzel
General Manager
Equipment Corps Inc./United Machine Tool Corp.