Spur Gear Double Reduction Serie

Capacità fino a 10.000 libbre

Quando è necessario sollevare, abbassare o posizionare un carico pesante, gli argani manuali con ingranaggi cilindrici di Thern sono progettati per offrire prestazioni eccellenti e lunga durata, indipendentemente dall’applicazione.

I fatti in breve

  • Ingranaggi cilindrici tagliati a macchina
  • Varietà di configurazioni
  • Manici regolabili
  • Resistente alla corrosione
  • Garanzia limitata di due anni

Modelli di serie

  • M452/M452B
  • M452B-A
  • M492/M492B
  • M492-12/M492B-12

Hai bisogno di un preventivo?

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Spur Gear Series – Up to 10,000 lb — Modello M492 & M452B.

For accurate and long lasting service.

Provide positive load control for lifting and lowering operations. Brake models have PB or B suffix.

Trivalent zinc plated finish protects against corrosion in harsh environments.

Provide smooth and efficient operation.

Minimize wear to extend wire rope life.

For positive engagement with gear.

Protect gears and help prevent injuries.

Handles adjust in length to change force required to move load.

Industry-leading two-year limited warranty on all our products.

The Redline Series is used to change the direction of the rope, so the winch can be mounted in a convenient location and the Redline Lead Block will control the path of the rope to avoid obstacles, reduce hazard, and improve rope wear. Vertical Lead Block Series

Galvanized or stainless steel wire rope assemblies, available in various lengths. Visit our Rope and Rigging product page for more information.

Spesso abbinato a

Gru e argani personalizzati

Controlli elettrici

Assemblaggi di funi metalliche